Other Rescues & Useful Information
These links are offered to you as a resource.
HoundSong Rescue offers no guarantee and has no current information on the availability of these rescues to assist you nor do we have any current information regarding the status or manner in which these rescues perform their duties. We encourage you to invesitgate these rescues/shelters for yourself to assure their methods is in keeping with your expectations. The information referenced on this page is the opinion of their authors. As with all internet information, we encourage you to validate the information offered through several sources.
Other Beagles Rescues
MidWest B.R.E.W. Beagle Rescue
B.R.E.W. Beagle Rescue
S.O.S Beagle Rescue
Cascade Beagle Rescue
B.O.N.E.S (Beagles of New England States) Rescue
Tri_Angle Bealge Rescue (North Carolina)
Arizona Beagle Rescue
Beagles RRR Us Rescue
Beagle Rescue League
DFW (Dallas Fort Worth) Beagle Buddies
Houston Beagle Rescue
Basset and Beagle Rescue of the Heartland
Atlanta Beagle Rescue
Colorado Beagle Rescue
Blue Bonnet Beagle Rescue (Texas)
Other Coonhound Rescues
Gentle Jakes Coonhound Rescue (Canada)
Four Paws Hound Rescue (California)
American Black and Tan Rescue
Carolina Coonhound Rescue
Northeast Coonhound Rescue
Coonhound Rescue Network (info resource only)
Colorado Coonhound Rescue
Homewoods for the Wayward Hound Rescue
Helping Hounds Rescue
Northwest Coonhound Rescue
Carolina Loving Hound Rescue
Other Hound Breed Rescues
General Information
Emergency Planning
Dogs 101 - Coonhounds (animal planet)
Coonhound (Wikipedia)
Coonhound Companions
Beagles on the Web
Beagles (wikipedia)
Beagle Info (AKC)
Coonhound Info (AKC)
Coonhound Info (HoundSong)
Beagle info (HoundSong)
Choosing a Rescue Dog (Karen Pryor-clicker training)
Choosing a dog (HSUS)
Adopting a dog (dog-training-basics.com)
Finding the right dog(Victoria Stillwell)
Tips for the first 30 days (Petfinder.com)
Training an adopted dog (Healthy Pets - Dr. Karen Becker)
House Training an Adult dog (dogtime.com)
Crate Training (Petfinder.com)